
“The ways of the Lord are right;…” Hosea 14:9

There was a time in Colombia where I was really questioning the “ease” of my mission. It actually continued after I got back.  I am sure that God finds my little rants a “lottle” bothersome.  However, He is always patient with me, and always sends just the right thought, verse or words to set me straight.

In my narrow-minded vision, I thought that if I was “in step” with the will of God, the path should sprawl out in front of me in the form of “an easy street.”  Doors open, stones moved, mountains step aside.  I thought the path should be more like the path of a fastball than that of a knuckle ball. 🙂

It’s a good thing that God says, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55:9  He knows things that I don’t.  He sees things that I can’t.  In the morning, during one of my rants, my friend Juli R. told me that her morning devotion had to do with the “troubles” that Mary and Joseph had.  Suddenly I felt very small.  Here are the parents of Jesus, following the Ultimate Plan of the Father, and worldly speaking…EVERYTHING went wrong.  A young girl, pregnant, not yet married.  A LONG journey…VERY pregnant.  Not ONE room in any inn.  Giving birth in a stable.  And after all that, fleeing the country so the Baby isn’t murdered! Talk about “mountains!”

After returning, I had another smaller “rant” and God immediately sent Joseph’s story to my heart.  He was Daddy’s favorite, and life was good.  Then, sold as a slave.  Then put into prison for a “crime” he didn’t commit…. Talk about the path of a knuckle ball!!!

No, following God’s plan does not equal an “easy street.”  BUT following God’s will IS the best place to be.  Even when I feel like I am “struggling,”  I can rest assured that as long as I am in His will then I am “struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me.” Colossians 1:29

God’s been obviously at work in these kids.  The path for them hasn’t been easy either!  First they are surrounded by English-speaking people and going to school “muchisimo horas” (many hours).  (Julian’s words! 🙂 )  They only went 4 hours a day in Colombia.  Culturally they are learning…They are also getting a cruel lesson in “Climatology.”  🙂 I asked them after school today to tell me one English word they learned today.  After about 2 minutes Julian answered, “COLD.” 🙂  Shortly after, Paula answered, “FROZEN!”  🙂  Poor kids!! It’s probably a good thing we moved farther south!! 🙂

Last Sunday, at the Lutheran Church we visited in K.C., the kids got to see an infant baptism.   We witnessed the submersion baptism of two adults at First Baptist on Sunday.  The kids told me, again,  in church that they really wanted to be baptized!! 🙂  And they requested, “con mucho agua.” (with much water! 🙂 )  God is good.  His ways are right!  Even when we feel like it’s a twisting, turning, mess of a path…He’s leading and guiding and accomplishing exactly what His will requires. 

So instead of ranting about my “troubles” while obeying, God is calling me to a better way.   He sent me the words of 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 “May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace GAVE US ETERNAL ENCOURAGEMENT AND GOOD HOPE, encourage your hearts and STRENGTHEN YOU in every good deed and word.”  Yes, that’s much better!  Eternal encouragement and good hope for the way.  Maybe not what I would call the “easy” way…but it’s the best way…because it’s His way!

Amen. 🙂

Thank you, Jesus!

a blessed momma of 3,


1 thought on “Easy?

  1. This post reminds me of “The Dream Giver”. It’s an easy read and so perfect for you if you haven’t read it already! We are relieved you are home and hopefully getting into some routines for the next part of your mission.

    Blessing for your beautiful, faithful family,

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